Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Help to collect Data From Faulty Server

Example of running snapshot to a remote host:
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t <username>@<hostname or IP address>:<location to write to>
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t joe@jupiter.west:/home/joe/logs/x

Example of running snapshot to a USB device:

XSCF> snapshot -L F -d usb0 -r
Note: The -r flag will remove all files from the USB device.


1. Run explorer data collector at Solaris Root prompt (#):

# /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -w all

2. When it's finished, go to /opt/SUNWexplo/output and confirm that a explorer tar ball is created (.tar.gz).


XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault   
---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------
00-0 02(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-1 02(01)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-2 06(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-3 06(01)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
01-0 00(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
02-0 03(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
03-0 04(00)   Assigned    y    n    n    Passed  Normal  
03-1 04(01)   Assigned    y    n    n    Passed  Normal  
03-2 05(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
03-3 05(01)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
04-0 01(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status  
00                Running 
      00    01-0          
01                Running 
      00    04-0          
02                Powered Off
      00    00-0          
      01    00-1          
03                Running 
      00    02-0          
04                Powered Off
      00    03-0          
      01    03-1          
05                Running 
      00    03-2          
      01    03-3          
06                Powered Off
      00    00-2          
      01    00-3  

XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault   
---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------
00-0 02(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-1 02(01)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-2 06(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
00-3 06(01)   Assigned    n    n    n    Passed  Faulted 
01-0 00(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
02-0 03(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
03-0 04(00)   Assigned    y    n    n    Passed  Normal  
03-1 04(01)   Assigned    y    n    n    Passed  Normal  
03-2 05(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
03-3 05(01)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
04-0 01(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal  
XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status  
00                Running 
      00    01-0          
01                Running 
      00    04-0          
02                Powered Off
      00    00-0          
      01    00-1          
03                Running 
      00    02-0          
04                Powered Off
      00    03-0          
      01    03-1          
05                Running 
      00    03-2          
      01    03-3          
06                Powered Off
      00    00-2          
      01    00-3          
XSCF> showhadconf -u
shell: showhadconf: command not found
XSCF> showhardconf -u
SPARC Enterprise M9000; Memory_Size:544 GB;
    |              FRU                  |  Quantity  |
    | CMU                               |       5    |
    |     Type:B;                       |   (   5)   |
    |     CPUM                          |      18    |
    |         Freq:2.880 GHz;           |   (  18)   |
    |     MEM                           |     144    |
    |         Type:2A; Size:2 GB;       |   (  48)   |
    |         Type:4B; Size:4 GB;       |   (  80)   |
    |         Type:8B; Size:8 GB;       |   (  16)   |
    | IOU                               |       5    |
    |     Type:A;                       |   (   5)   |
    | IOBOX                             |       1    |
    |     IOB                           |       1    |
    |     PSU                           |       2    |
    | XSCFU_B                           |       2    |
    | XBU_B                             |       8    |
    | CLKU_B                            |       2    |
    | OPNL                              |       1    |
    | PSU                               |      30    |
    | FANBP_A                           |       1    |
    | FANBP_B                           |       1    |
    |     FAN_A                         |      16    |
    | SWBP                              |       1    |
    | MEDBP                             |       1    |

XSCF> unlockmaintenance
This command unlocks the maintenance lock which prevents the multiple
execution of maintenance commands.
*Never* use this command, except when the lock state remains by some reason.
Careless execution of this command causes serious situation because it
interrupts the running command and XSCF might not be able to recognize
the parts.
Continue?[y|n] :y


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